Musician Resources

Find info, tips and resources on how to be a successful musician and make it in the music business.

  1. 10 Ways To Stay Creative As A Songwriter

    10 Ways To Stay Creative As A Songwriter
    A well-written song flows well and brings out a writer's creativity. For any songwriter to achieve success, they must nurture their creativity. Nurturing does not mean changing your songwriting style but rather, how you bring out your songwriting prowess. The following are ten ways to remain creative and relevant as a songwriter.   Continue reading →
  2. Musician Resources: Using Social Media Effectively

    Musician Resources: Using Social Media Effectively
    While playing shows and releasing new material is crucial to having a successful career, these days, it's pretty much expected for a band or artist to have a presence on social media. Whether it’s Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, engaging with your fan base through these channels can be an effective way connect with them. Unfortunately, too many bands treat social media like free advertising, doing little more than trying to sell their latest EP or tickets to their next gig. While selling your music and tickets to your shows is an important and underlying goal, social media is much more powerful with the right balance of content.   Continue reading →
  3. Make Money From Your Music On YouTube

    Make Money From Your Music On YouTube
    As the biggest video streaming site on the internet, YouTube has quickly become the go-to place for more than just funny cat videos. Now more than ever, musicians have found that Google’s ubiquitous video site can be a great place to make extra money off their music in multiple ways. While it might seem like a dream, you don’t have to be seasoned musician to take advantage. Below are just a few of the ways you can start making money on YouTube.   Continue reading →
  4. Tips For An Effective Band Merch Table

    Tips For An Effective Band Merch Table
    One of the best ways for a band to make cash is by employing a merchandise table. Unfortunately, many treat it as an afterthought, doing nothing more than throwing a few shirts on a table and calling it a day. If you're serious about making money off of your merch table, you need to treat it like you do your music -- giving it the attention it deserves. Below are a few tips for an effective and successful merch table.     Continue reading →
  5. 10 Mistakes Musicians Make Trying To Make It In The Music Business

    10 Mistakes Musicians Make Trying To Make It In The Music Business
    Think of music as a spectrum; there’s the art side of it, and then there’s business side. To make it big, you need to be successful in both. While most musicians understand the art aspect, the business side remains a mystery to many. While there’s a lot you can do to turn your world around and make things start working for you, be sure to check the following pattern of mistakes musician make all the time in their desperate bid to make it BIG in the music business.     Continue reading →

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