Musician Resources

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  1. Tips For Rhythm Guitarists

    Tips For Rhythm Guitarists
    All types of music begin with some rhythm. Rhythm is the foundation on which the whole song is built - and rhythm gives the support to every other member of the band to help them play the song in a way it was meant to be played. So, being a rhythm guitarist is an important job - a rhythm guitarist practically makes the difference between a band that sounds in-tune and a band that just can not get a clean sound.     Continue reading →
  2. How A Ukulele Can Make You A Better Guitarist

    How A Ukulele Can Make You A Better Guitarist
    If you are a regular guitarist or just a fanatic, there are high chances you’ve heard about, seen or even played Ukulele. You might also have come across it in commercials, subway stations or YouTube covers. The point is, Ukulele is undoubtedly popular among music fanatics around the globe. The question is, has it ever occurred to you that it can be your one-way ticket to joining the best guitar players all over the world? Did you know that sparing some few hours each day playing Ukulele can improve your guitar playing skills?   Continue reading →
  3. Brief History Of The Maestro Echoplex

    Brief History Of The Maestro Echoplex
    The Maestro Echoplex gave birth to a revolution in tape delay, bringing about a mix of unparalleled control and sought-after sound at the time of its release. Below, we take a look at the early days of tape echo units, the birth of the Maestro Echoplex and the eventual end of the brand.     Continue reading →
  4. A Quick History Of Fender Tweed Amps

    A Quick History Of Fender Tweed Amps
    Fender amplifiers are world renounced for their high-quality components and amazing tone. From the early tube amps that created what we now know as “American Tone” to the modern versions that remain in heavy use today, Fender amps are an integral part of rock history. Today, we’re going to take a quick look at one of their more iconic early lines, the Tweed series.     Continue reading →
  5. Pros And Cons Of A Tremolo Guitar Bridge

    Pros And Cons Of A Tremolo Guitar Bridge
    There’s a lot that goes into choosing the perfect electric guitar. While brand, pickup and body type might be on most musician’s minds, an electric guitar’s bridge is just as important. Effectively, there are two main types of bridges that you’ll have to choose from; the non-tremolo bridges and the tremolo variety, such as the popular Floyd Rose system. When it comes down to it, making the choice between the two types of bridges is essentially a matter of personal preference, although they each have their pros and cons.   Continue reading →