Q: "I'm in the market for a brand new speaker cabinet and I am pretty much lost on how to go about finding the right match for my amp head. I had been using the cab that can with my head so never really went through the process on my own. Is there anything I need to look out for when trying to match an amplifier head to a speaker cabinet?"     A: Matching an amp head with the right speaker cabinet can be a daunting task. However, if you know some basic things about amp head impedance, power, cabinets, and what to look for, it can make the task easier so you can choose an amp and speaker combination that will achieve the desired results. This way, your amp heads will run at optimal efficiency, produce the sound and output you are looking for, and protect your amp heads from damage so they can operate for many years to come. An impedance mismatch between the amp and the speaker cabinets can cause serious damage to your speakers. To avoid impedance mismatch when selecting speaker cabinets you will need to know what the impedance of your amp heads is. Impedance is expressed as Ω (ohms). Most cabs are either 4 Ω or 8 Ω (ohms). In order to properly pair a speaker cabinet with your amp head, be sure to check how many watts of power your amp will put out in different impedance modes, and that it is capable of running at the impedance the cab is wired for. Most modern amps have built-in features that allow them to determine what impedance to run at when you connect them to the speaker cab. [caption id="attachment_6055" align="aligncenter" width="950"]amp head EVH 5150 III Tube Amp Head. The brainchild of Rock and Roll hall of fame inductee Edward Van Halen and the legendary tone masters at Fender, the 5150 head combines all the features, quality standards and tone Ed requires and demands of his gear. This amp gives you very flexible tones that range from clean or crunch to full-out distortion, for limitless inspiration. Check out our entire selection of amp heads, combos, and cabinets at the best prices around![/caption]   The amount of power that an amp puts out for different impedances varies, so be sure you have enough power output for the volume and sound you desire to achieve. Another important thing to check is that the cab can handle the load from your amp. If the cab cannot handle the load from your amp, you will end up overdriving your speakers which will damage them. Another good feature of most modern amps is that they are equipped with a clip light indicator that lets you know if you are overdriving the speaker or not. This allows you to back off the volume and control power output to avoid causing unwanted damage. Also note that if you are going to run multi-speaker setups, this will change the impedance your amp runs up against. Because modern amps have features that allow them to determine the impedance of the speaker cabs, it is best to match two 4 Ω or two 8 Ω cabinets to avoid “confusing” the amp. A “confused” amp may fluctuate in power output and cause damage to the amp. So matching Ω (ohms) in multi-speaker setups is important. Of course, there are the rarer high-end amps that have two power amp sections. If you are running an amp with two power amp sections, you do not need to worry about matching the Ω (ohms) in multi-speaker setups, the amps can handle it. The potentiality of these kinds of arrangements may come into play if you are playing to larger venues. The most important thing to remember is that when you are matching your amp heads to speaker cabinets, be sure to check that the impedance and power output capabilities are compatible, that you will not be overdriving your speakers, and that you have enough power output for the volume you desire to achieve. This will ensure that your amp will function properly and provide service for many years to come.    

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