The thought of a famous musician or band endorsing a weird product officially may appear awkward among fans. Some may even feel they have lost their edge, but the practice has been ongoing for years. Below is a list of such musicians alongside the products they officially endorsed. Read on.  

1. Andrew W. K - Intimate Wipes

The Party Hard rocker agreed to become the face of the company’s product dubbed Fresh + Sexy wipes. Fans can’t help wondering if the agreement has anything to do with the fact Andrew gets sweaty during his animated stage performance necessitating the use of the towel for cleanup after that. Ironically, the company markets the product as an intimate wipe. Additionally, Playtext is associated virtually exclusively with female hygiene products. It was, therefore, such a bold move for Andrew to bridge the gender gap. Showcasing to the world and encouraging every sweaty individual to use Fresh+Sexy wipes despite the labeling require bravery.  

2. John Lydon - Butter

At a time when John was singing about anarchy making it clear that he hated the Queen so much, none one could imagine he would, one day, attempt to sell butter. However, as time passed by, Mr. Lydon (alias Mr. Rotten) forewent his hard-edged life and resorted to suburbia for comfort. For this reason, the County Butter convinced him to do a butter commercial; in the company’s advert, John plays up both the taste of the butter as well as its Britishness to the amazement of his fans. He daringly romps through the ad causing some head scratching. The proceeds of his endorsements, nonetheless, went to an excellent course; the money bankrolled one of his albums, entitled This Is PiL.  

3. Warren G - Male Enhancement Supplement

Warren began his music career alongside Nate Dogg and Snoop Dogg, and they all bragged about their sexual prowess in their songs. So, one would imagine Warren would be embarrassed to appear in an ad that promotes male enhancement. He nevertheless agreed to endorse XL the supplement does exactly that. Evidently, the earning far outweighed the associated embarrassment. He has never released a new bulb after appearing in the advertisement, leaving fans wondering if the Affirm XL Advert destroyed for good his street cred.  

4. Iggy Pop - Beverages And Insurance Policy

When he was in his prime time Pop used to talk negatively about corporates and sellouts. Apparently, as he grew up he came to a realization making money is a lot more important than safeguarding public image. That he currently, endorse products such as beverages is therefore understandable. In his funny advert for Swiftcover Car Insurance, Pop appears together with a puppet and transforms into a salesperson right in front of his fans. Lust for Life, his 1977 song, has even been used for several commercial ads to the astonishment of his longtime fans.  

Final Thoughts ...

The above are some of the many weirdest musician product endorsements that will make you stop feeling sad about your present job. Apparently, the pay is sometimes too attractively to decline. So, next time you see your favorite rock band in an ad, do not conclude they’ve lost their edge. The practice will not be stopping anytime soon.  

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