Musician Resources

Find info, tips and resources on how to be a successful musician and make it in the music business.

  1. Recording Tips: Double Tracking Guitar Parts

    Recording Tips: Double Tracking Guitar Parts
      When it comes down to it, the idea of double tracking isn’t the hard part – it’s getting everything down correctly that’s easier said than done. You are essentially trying to get down an exact recreation of a specific performance using the not always precise human hand, and although I did say earlier that these little differences between the two tracks are what gives double tracking its appeal, too much difference and it just won’t sound right. But before we go into some of the common problems associated with double tracking and how to avoid and/or fix them, let’s take a look at the steps involved in double tracking which as you’ll see is pretty straightforward.   Continue reading →
  2. Band Tips: Do You Need A Band Manager To Succeed?

    Band Tips: Do You Need A Band Manager To Succeed?
      Most artists and bands want to achieve success in the music business, for example by earning enough to travel and play their beloved instrument to quit their day job. Good management is almost always necessary to achieve any measure of success in this challenging business. Many musicians are intelligent and ingenious, and certainly, have the ability to handle their affairs, but the artist who can handle all this and progress in his art without losing focus and sanity is rare.   Continue reading →
  3. Tips For Singers: Developing Your Own Singing Style

    Tips For Singers: Developing Your Own Singing Style
      For endless years the demonstration of singing has been at the cutting edge of artistry, religion, social changes and, of course, cherish. We as a whole want to let stream with a blast of air and the commotion that raises the spirit and conveys a passionate message, either from the happy shake song of praise shouting to the operatic tones of the most contemplated singers precisely.   Continue reading →
  4. Why Bass Players Prefer Solid State Over Tube Amplifiers

    Why Bass Players Prefer Solid State Over Tube Amplifiers
      Since the introduction of solid state amplifiers, a debate has always erupted over which one is better for bass players. For many bass players, they would rather drink poison than use a tube amplifier. Still, there are some bassists that can swear that a tube amp will deliver more than a solid state amp. But since a good number of bass players will go with solid state amplifier. So the question is why do they prefer a solid state amp over tube amplifiers? Below are some of the main reasons why bassists choose solid state amplifiers over tube amps.   Continue reading →
  5. How To Get More Tone While Eliminating 'Wolf Tones' 

      Ever since the first good guitar players came into existence, they always wanted more. It could be that they wanted more sustain, more gain, more volume and/or more tone. Some of the invented methods are better when compared to others, and there are also methods that can even hurt the overall sound if you don't know what you are doing. A good example of this is the guitar pickup.   Continue reading →